Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fun In The Sun

Since the friend I usually carpool to church with had some personal business to attend to this weekend, I decided to opt for a lazy stay-at-home Sunday today.

Well, not totally lazy.  I started by hitting some cardio at the gym, doing half an hour on the recumbent bike.  That went well, though it always works up quite a sweat.  After that, it was back home, with the day already growing hot.  Still, I went out to run some water to the trees, and thus the door was opened for some outside-time for the kitties.

As we can see, Khan wisely sought out some nice shade:

Ahh, nice and cool here under the baby redbud.

Then, as I beat a hasty retreat back towards the coolness of my air-conditioned house, I spotted something that made me double-take:

This random weed at the edge of my porch is unmistakably a snapdragon.  In theory, I know where it came from--I had snapdragons in the planter box last year, so one must have self-seeded.  But how they managed to seed--and have one land right there and sprout--that just boggles me. 

I guess it's just one of life's random, happy little surprises. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Where has the Time Gone?

It has certainly been a busy couple of weeks!  The spell of hot-and-dry gave way to some serious rain.  Fortunately, this week has seen the arrival of roof repairmen to fix the tornado damage that our building at work suffered...oh, two months ago or so by now.

I also took a couple of days off work and drove up to my parents' house for a visit.  We celebrated Mom's birthday, and even though some things did not quite go according to plan, we all really enjoyed being together and I know I had a great time.  Mom liked her presents, and I got to meet their new kitty (shy but very sweet--I'm sure she'll have more to say about him on her blog). 

Mom's fig tree (parent of my baby fig) is doing extremely well and promising to put forth a record crop.  I made sure to take a picture to help inspire my little guy:

and to give some perspective, here is Mom posing with her prize pupil:

Don't get too close or it might just eat YOU!

As you can see, it has really grown to an impressive size.  I have high expectations for my offspring-fig. 

Not a lot of change in my own garden, except to say that the cardinal vines have bloomed, and I saw a hummingbird the other day who was quite interested in my petunias.  Lucky for him, the cats did not seem to notice his presence, as Khan-khan is known to think that hummingbirds look deliciously bite-sized.  Not that he's ever gotten to sample one, of course....  

So, all is well here, and it's good to be back.  I hope this finds all of you well, too.